Car Service Mount Waverley

Timing Belt Replacement

Timing belts are one aspect of car care where an ounce of prevention is worth far more than a pound of cure. Should a timing belt break in a non-interference engine, it will cause significant damage; should this occur in an interference engine, it’s possible the whole engine will be rendered worthless.

Timing belts should be fully replaced when your car hits a certain mileage or age. This point can vary from vehicle to vehicle – if you’re unsure when you should have yours replaced, talk to the expert team at Burwood Automotive & Exhaust during your next car service in Ashburton.

We offer expert timing belt replacements. We can assess your belt and provide an expert, efficient replacement if needed.

Sometimes timing belts will experience excessive wear and need replacing sooner than the recommended time frame. Symptoms that your belt needs replacing include:

  • Visual damage to the belt like fraying, cracks or missing teeth
  • High-pitched shrieks or whirring noises when the car is started up or idling
  • Difficulty in starting, such as the engine taking several times to ‘catch’

We’re conveniently located for residents in Ashburton, Burwood, Camberwell, Glen Iris, Malvern, Mount Waverley and Surrey Hills, allowing them to drop off and pick up their cars with ease. We also offer options for courtesy vehicles and priority taxis so you can still get around during your car service in Ashburton.

To book your car in for a timing belt replacement, contact us today.


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Contact the friendly team at Burwood Automotive & Exhaust on (03) 9888 7000 or send us an email and talk to us about how we can help you.

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